Congratulations Twin Peaks Orchards!

Big News! Twin Peaks Orchards of Newcastle has just been designated one of the first Slow Food Farms in North America. Slow Food Farms are set to become the largest global network of farms dedicated to producing good, clean and fair food in a way that’s rooted in agroecological principles, and that’s a really big deal for Twin Peaks and the Greater Sacramento Area.


Aligned with Slow Food’s philosophy that everyone deserves access to nourishing food that supports communities, honors the Earth and strengthens local economies, these farms embody the future of sustainable agriculture


Magpie is so thankful for the many years of having Twin Peaks produce in our kitchen- the mandarins, broccolini, kumquats, melons, lots of peaches, and most of all,….. the amagaki persimmons!


If you are into Slow Food follow @slowfoodsac on Instagram and/or sign up to get on Slow Food Sacramento’s email.


Magpie's 20th anniversary is April 1st 2025!


Choosing Sustainable Seafood